Anese Cavanaugh, Intentional Energetic Presence I Truthful dialogue at the workplace

Anese Cavanaugh is an entrepreneur, award-winning author, teacher and keynote speaker who has been working with businesses for over 19 years. She is the creator of the Intentional Energetic Presence (I.E.P) method that focuses on unlocking leadership potential through understanding intention, improving energy and creating a more positive presence.

A recent study found that nearly 95% of people want to quit their current job as they are either unhappy or unmotivated. Anese Cavanaugh believes this phenomenon can be combatted by IEP. She believes that the way leadership responds to certain situations, such as a disgruntled employee, can be converted from potential conflict into a growth opportunity. For example, many organizations are annoyed when an employee complains about a lack of interesting work. Cavanuagh views this an opportunity for positive, truthful dialogue with the employee. Employers should want to understand what will motivate people to perform at their best.


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