Jonathan Rosen, Collaberex | Humanizing networking (and making it more strategically effective than ever)

Most business networking doesn’t feel very human. Jonathan Rosen wants to change that. As the Founder and Managing Partner of Collaberex, he has built a selective series of networking groups that only accept potential members who truly care about helping others. This enables a culture of honesty, trust, and friendship. At Collaberex, the transactional element of business does not dominate the human element.

Collaberex is also about connecting people and businesses well-positioned to help each other. How many of us have been to general business networking groups that connect people with no rhyme or reason? Jonathan knows that entrepreneurs with different businesses have different challenges and may not be great collaboration partners. So a Collaberex group might be all about venture capital funded companies or companies doing up to $50 million in revenue in the Lower Hudson Valley region. Collaberex’s model is already in the New York, Boston and Philly metro areas, and we’re excited to see it grow further.


Cameron Herold, COO Alliance | How is ADD an entrepreneurial superpower?


Brian Bell, Split | This Silicon Valley CEO prioritizes the team’s health and delivers extraordinary results