Max Traylor and Katrina Busselle | The way we used to do business is OVER... this is the time to give customers exactly what they need
Max is a great ideas guy who can help other idea people see what their most marketable idea is. Katrina is a super sharp executor. Together, they’re a dynamic duo who are experts in productizing service businesses.
The economy’s been good for a long time. Some business owners have become complacent. They assume their clients need what they are selling. Post-COVID19, Katrina and Max believe clients are going to get clearer on what matters to them...and what doesn’t.
So rather than trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, how can consultants become the honest broker that help people get clear on what they truly need – rather than trying to give them what you want them to need?
“There’s a lot of bullshit in professional services… people try to sell you the salad, the fries, and the steak when often, all the client really needs is the steak.”